Sunday, November 3, 2013

Clara's history - and ours - with ABC Basset Rescue

There has apparently been much interest in, and discussion about, Clara's case among the members of the Basset rescue community.
I thought that, given our experience with fostering Clara, it would be useful to open a discussion of the operative standards of care that are actually practiced by ABC, as we experienced in our fostering of Clara.
Certainly, there was a significant vector between our expectations (based upon our reading of the ABC policies and various discussions) and the actual practice, a vector which most likely did not operate to Clara's benefit, or ours.
I will not attempt to characterize, or editorialize about, the way ABC acted, nor will I attempt to impute motive to their actions. Rather, I will simply present facts, and allow these to speak for themselves.
To begin, I am posting herewith our first vet bill for Clara. I think it would be most useful if people would first just look it over and become familiar with it. I will then explain what the vet saw upon her first visit, his diagnosis and recommended course of treatment, what was approved and denied, and what we paid for, and expect to post this in the next day or two.

I will then post the next vet bill, and the next, as well as an income/expense statement over such items as her food (as a diabetic, she was prescribed a special diet) and other care vs the funds actually approved by ABC.

By the end of this process, people will have a complete set of the facts and will be in a position to make an informed decision about Clara's case. It should also - and this is the most important point - help others avoid falling into a similar situation by going in with the benefit of our experience.
- Don DeBar


  1. Could you possibly post a PDF link for each of the Vet expenses. When I click on it to see a larger version, it actually stays the same size and it is difficult to see any print or numbers.....

  2. Sorry, I didn't realize it was such a low-resolution picture. I'll take care of it in a short while. Thanks for the feedback!

  3. Often in these situations I find there are 3 versions of a story, your version, their version and then the truth. Anything said by either side of this argument should be taken with a grain of salt because in the end NO ONE will know the whole TRUE story. You made a choice to have work done that was not supported by the Rescue. Whether the rescue is right or wrong it was your choice to bear the costs and starting this campaign and using a deceased pet to raise funds seems to me to be a bit self serving. Now if you tell me you are raising funds for a new rescue that you will start then I will be in full support of that and will be happy to send in a donation. I am a strong believer of the "If you want something done right, do it yourself." philosophy. After all, what better way to honor your Clara than to dedicate your time helping save other animals in her name.

  4. I suggest reading the above again, this time a little more carefully. I don't intend to relate our 'side' of 'the story' - or any story. I am presenting only facts, with the source documents - the expenses for Clara's care, the treatment recommended by the vet, which treatments ABC Basset Hound Rescue of NY authorized, and which they rejected. And, for context, I may post a copy of their IRS 990s - the tax returns for the corporation, which are public information. This will inform those who may wonder if providing Clara with the recommended treatment would have been a financial hardship for ABC. Those who have a 'story' can tell their 'side' somewhere else. I prefer to deal with facts.

    As for raising money to replenish our funds for the expenditures, We are out of pocket thousands more than the $3700+ we spent trying to save her life - ultimately unsuccessfully. Again, I will post the source document evidencing this expenditure. And we are as entitled to ask for help to care for that Basset as ABC or anyone else is entitled to do, only, since we are not an incorporated charity, the contribution is not tax deductible.

    My purpose is to help people who care about Bassets to avoid the situation we found ourselves in: having a sick dog and a rescue that refuses to pay for care which the vet considers essential - e.g., repairing severely abscessed teeth in a diabetic dog that is also anorexic. Our expectations did not jibe with ABC;s practices. That doesn't make anyone involved wrong, per se, but it is a phenomenon that people should be aware of.

    1. I have read your post very thoroughly and still feel that my previous statement applies. It's still your word and what YOU can provide only. To me that is still a one sided story.

      If your purpose is to help people avoid a similar situation then that should be the theme. But your theme continues to be what you paid out of pocket of your own choice. In your own words, "I will then explain what the vet saw upon her first visit, his diagnosis and recommended course of treatment, what was approved and denied, and what we paid for, and expect to post this in the next day or two." Were their second opinions obtained on course or treatment? Was this the rescue's vet or yours?

      I think the day you stop asking for others to reimburse you for choices you made will be the day your story gains any credibility.

      I would also be interested to hear about how Clara found her way into rescue if you know that.

    2. Now I know what you think. So don't contribute.

      In terms of money, I was debating whether to litigate to recover from ABC, or seek to obtain some help from the Basset community, and decided on the latter, at least for now. If it were "about the money" as you wrote, I am puzzled how taking care of a 10 year old dog with multiple health problems would be the road to such riches. Perhaps it is for some. These are the kinds of things that come out in discovery, should there be litigation. And once entered into the Court, they become a matter of public record, for all to see and decide upon.

      As far as the rescue's vet goes, the rescue is based in the Rochester, NY area. We are in Westchester County, NY, as is our vet. MapQuest it. It's more than a 5 hour ride, each way.

    3. So this blog isn't open for discussion? I'm sorry. I didn't know it was only for people who completely agree with you. I thought you wanted to educate people? Guess you just want them to see your side. I guess I'll leave you to entertain your marionettes.

  5. Don,
    I received by PM yesterday several messages in response to Clara's thread on FB yesterday, after people saw my post about my own knowledge of a former rescue I actually dealt with, the several people that contacted me did so to tell me the same identical issues they had also with the organization you are referring to, as well as other stuff that was beyond shocking dealing with elderly dogs and medical care. I believe everything you say, because just as you I had the same responses and worse said to me by people like John. People have such a fairy tale idea of rescues and never want to believe this stuff happens, well it does. BTW I was able to see the Vet invoice and I found it pretty comparable to what my Vet charges, some things that may look expensive, really wasn't because more was done to take out the teeth than a normal extraction, her growths must have been huge, 6 years ago I had one of my girls done and it was 5x7 and the charge was 700 for the one, so I can see the charge for the x-large one, plus all of the special stuff because of her diabetes and other ailmenst as they were needed to make sure she was as save as possible being under. Sorry, about the 2 delted ones, Blogger does not have a edit button after you post .

    1. I have no fairy tale idea of rescues. The people I know who work with/for rescues put in a lot of time and effort and save a lot of dogs both young and old, but you can't save them all. If I disagreed that strongly with a course of treatment I would adopt the dog, but that's just me. Not everyone has the means to do that.

      In the end this all just seems to be about the money and that's what I have a problem with.

  6. Since you haven't seen anything but the single sheet of paper I posted today and have already made up your mind, I really don't see the point of further dialogue. Enjoy.
