Saturday, October 5, 2013

Clara's Struggle

We took in sweet Clara from a rescue organization when she was given up by her family in January. She had many complex medical issues, the least of which was being diabetic and blind.

She lost that long fight this week - and we are devastated by her passing.

Although she was only here a short time, we came to love her very much. She was a joy to have in our home. She was amazingly smart, affectionate and just always a love. She was a very special angel who loved her house, her people, her bed, her food bowl and Spanky (our other diabetic rescue Basset). She brought light wherever she went and the world is dimmer now without her.

In our fight to save Clara's life, we did everything we could - now we find that we need help to pay for her final $3,750 vet bill.

If you would like to donate to help us pay her vet bill, please use the Paypal link.

Alternatively, you can contact us privately via email at or PM Bunny Corti on Facebook. No donation is too small.

We can provide details of her bill and/or her story, including her history - and ours - with the rescue organization. Suffice to say that they seemed willing to give up on her several months before we were. In fact, we never did giver up on her; she just finally succumbed to an intractable, systemic, anti-biotic resistant infection.

We would appreciate from the bottom of our hearts any and all help during this very difficult time.

You can use this PayPal account to make a donation. IT IS NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE, as we are not a legally-constituted charity - just folks who loved their rescue Basset girl and whatever we could to give her a decent, happy life.